STRETCH - services to reach educationally talented children
How will the selection committee decide if my child is gifted?
The following protocol is in place for the identification for all students considered for the STRETCH Program in the Wells-Ogunquit School District.
To meet the state requirements of 3-5%, the Wells-Ogunquit School District has established extremely high standards for identification. A STRETCH Selection Committee, comprised of a traditional classroom teacher, a STRETCH teacher, and an administrator convene to look at student performance and achievement. The criteria used for identification are:
Screening will include both objective and subjective criteria. All students in Grades 3, 5, 8 will be screened for Academic Aptitude through ability and achievement testing along with parent or teacher nomination. Classroom teachers will meet with the STRETCH teacher(s) to fill out the Twelve Traits of Giftedness: A Non-Biased Profile. Students who exhibit 7 or more of these characteristics meet the subjective criteria. The STRETCH teacher will review the Northwest Educational Assessment (NWEA) scores and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) scores. Students who have a consistent test score of 90th %ile and above on the NWEA meet the achievement criteria. Students who score at or above 90th %ile on the CogAT meet the criteria for cognitive aptitude.
**Selection: **
CogAT- 95th %ile or above
NWEA- Consistent scores at or above the 95th %ile in reading and/or math
Twelve Traits of Giftedness- Exhibits 7 or more of the 12 traits
Upon identification, a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), will be created for the student. The PLP addresses the academic placement for the student and any specific goals that will be addressed. The PLP must be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis. However, changes may be made as needed anytime throughout the year. The Superintendent will then be provided with a list of identified students and their services.
**Screening: **
Students who demonstrate significant achievement or potential for significant accomplishment above their age peers in the literary, performing, and/or visual arts are encouraged to go through the selection process. During grade 4 they will have the opportunity to submit a portfolio or perform and have an interview.
Teacher, Parent, or student Nomination-checklist
Portfolio or Audition
Interview-panel interview with student
A team of artists, musicians, and gifted staff will select students who demonstrate significant achievement or potential for significant accomplishment.
Upon identification, a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) will be created for your child. The PLP addresses the academic placement for your child and any specific goals that will be addressed. The PLP must be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis. However, changes may be made as needed anytime throughout the year. The Superintendent will then be provided with a list of identified students and their services.
What will services in STRETCH provide for my child?
To differentiate curriculum
To personalize instruction
To provide materials and resources
To provide enrichment activities
To encourage development of interests and talents
To assist student in developing cooperative, teamwork skills
To work collaboratively with teachers
To work collaboratively with parents
STRETCH Staff Directory
Wells Elementary School:
Brenda Lafrance, 646-5953,
Wells Junior High School:
Dawn Valente, 646-5142,