Frequently asked questions

When will I receive my renewed certificate from the DOE?

The DOE no longer issues paper certificates to certified staff. You certification status can be accessed by logging into the MEIS site. You can print a copy of your status for your records. You can also view and print your current certification status from the NEO website Your will need to enter your last name and the last four digits of your social security number to display your certification status.

Do I need a separate professional development activity log sheet to document different types of activities?

The log should be filled out for each activity for which you did not receive a certificate. You can enter multiple types of professional development on one sheet. Enter the title and type (CSD Course, Workshop, In-Service Training, etc) on the form and have the appropriate administrator sign off verifying your attendance/participation.

Will activities that have a paid stipend count for my certification renewal?

No, only hours from the activities listed in the LCC plan will count for renewal. Activities for which you have received compensation are not eligible for certification renewal.

Who should I contact with questions about my certification?

Teachers/WOTA covered positions: Contact the Certification Committee representative in your building. WES-Roni Johnson, WJHS-Susie Dugovic, WHS-Sherri Anderson

Ed Techs: Contact the Certification Committee representative for Ed Techs, Pat Casey.

Maine Department of Education - Certification Office: Phone: 624-6603 or email: